Tony was so kind to give me heads up of his latest project with Arkitip – NOW YOU KNOW. Both Tony and Arkitip compiled three years worth of columns that Tony wrote exclusively for Arktip magazine between 2003 and 2006. The column originally started as “The Alife How To” referring to the brand ALIFE which Tony co-found in 1999. The column now goes under “Tony Talk.” I personally used to read Tony’s column every time I would receive a copy of Arkitip, it’s real talk coming from one of New York’s eclectic individuals. Read an excerpt from the book below and click on the link to get your read on!

Excerpt from: Torch a car

Now this is the most important part and can not, I repeat ‘can not’ be fucked with. When actually going to light it on fire, you must be far enough away from it so as not to get your clothes or hair singed, or even worse, on fire. One of my other friends tried this with some matches and lost his eyebrows and part of his bangs. Anyway, the best thing (and only thing we had in the van that would work) is an old sweat sock.

Take the sock, throw a rock in it, and tie it so the rock doesn’t fall out. Dip the tail/open end of the sock in gasoline, stand about 30 feet from the car, and light it. Make sure one of the car windows is open (car windows are weird and stronger than you think, so don’t think you’re going to be able to throw it through the window), aim, and take your best shot. Now if you’ve never seen a gas soaked car go up in flames, you’re in for a treat. All the windows blow out, the tires melt,…. I won’t ruin it for you. It’s pretty fucken cool.



Inspired while listening to: Erykah Badu – “Don’t You Say No”

One week is now left until the big day of our Official Launch Party for RIOTTT – BE THE RIOTTT. Tickets are selling fast but I’d encourage you to get them now while you got some time. We’re expecting this last week to be the most intense week. It rained yesterday which was a good thing.

I always find it easier to channel my creative energy when it pours. Oh yes, for lunch, I came across this awesome comic book store where the owner gave me a breakdown of Star Wars light sabers, I wish I took photos of them but I didn’t bring my camera. Anyhow I was able to find some old issues of the original Eastman and Laird’s Teenage

Mutant Ninja Turtles. Back in the days when I was in Jr. High, I was obsessed with TMNT but it wasn’t the Archie comic version, I really liked the original dark violent versions. I used to collect all the graphic novels until one day
my parents convinced my Bible study teacher at the time to tell me to throw them all away. I had my hands tied…what could I do?

I’m older now, so I’m resorting back to my childish delights. And look Mom, I’m a normal healthy human being…well kinda.

Halloween in San Francisco

Inspired while listening to: Corey Hart – “Sunglasses At Night”

I never experienced anything like what I witnessed last night. Halloween in San Francisco where the streets of Castro ran rampant of hoards of people numbering in the hundreds costumed in anything ranging from a midget Lil’ Jon to a walking drum person. It was magical, it was chaos, it was in essence…beautiful. Sometimes the most exhilarating thing in life is observing the celebration of it.


Inspired while listening to: Elliot Smith – “Everybody Cares Everybody Understands”

The past weekend I underwent a sort of cabin fever mind state. And if the pictures below look eerily like the ones I posted a few days ago, it is the reality that I live in currently. Everyone here at the RIOTTT office has entered into a zombie state, there is so much to do and so little time.

In two weeks, we are set for the official launch party set to take form in the BE THE RIOTTT FESTIVAL in San Francisco. We’re all nervous and at the same time, very anxious. More info of the concert, please click on events. If you guys happen to be in the Bay Area during the Nov 11 week-end, it would be great to see you guys there. It’s a three day weekend and SF weather is amazing these days!

Oh yes the Kangol hats…it’s been interesting looking at all the past collaborative work that the company has been putting forth. Quite impressive. I never will look at hats in the same way again. And now the challenge begins…



Yes I am sure you’re all aware of Karmaloop, it’s been one of those online destinations for quite a while. Recently Karmaloop has introduced a new concept online store called the Kaxbah, a consortium of selected brands which maintain and follow through their online orders themselves.

What results within the inventory are a springboard of all sorts of new companies being able to showcase and sale their goods. Notables such as To Die For shirts and Buff Monster artwork are readily accessible. Kudos to Karmaloop for thinking ahead of the curve and allowing independents an arena to grow their individual companies. Take a peep and check it out for yourselves!

Inspired while listening to: Esthero – “Country Livin’ (The World I Know)”

Getting work done inside an office complex is difficult, particularly when you have to think creatively. Stimulants such as coffee and chocolate
certainly can play into your work, but even then you find yourself stuck. I had a big breakfast which enabled me to focus on the day ahead. I’m
set to re-design and re-skin the RIOTTT site once more. I always found the carpeting to amuse me as I walk into our office, how great would it
be to create this pattern into a textile and implement it for some Riottt soft goods…ha! It will be a joke I can secretly enjoy. Oh yes, Kangol
sent over a box of hats in various styles and fits…much more to disclose later as “something” develops…


Federico showed me these latest gems. I’ve been using my Supreme laptop bag for a year now but now these bags got me thinkin…

Slip ideas inside, no matter how big they are, and let them ride in exquisite full grain leather, carefully selected for its quality, beauty and
durability amongst the best Argentinian hides. The Vaja Messenger Bag is handcrafted to subtleness using time-honored Old World traditions
of the most skilled leather artisans. Thoughtfully designed to truly and uniquely fit your own needs, each bag offers optional features such as
text or graphic personalization, on-board detachable gadget pocket, handy key metal hook, external Rivet tab, and lightweight padded
notebook jacket.

Available in three models – 15″, 15″ wide and slim – and a vast number of combinations.


Yes maybe you’ve watched the 30 second trailer but now you can watch the entire recorded version split into 2 segments. Riottt was tapped by
Alife to film the Alife Sessions with a professional camera crew positioning four different cameras that filmed and recorded with dedicated sound.
You might have seen some digital camera clips on youtube or around the net but those do not do the event any justice. The filming of the Alife
Sessions is brought to you by RIOTTT and is OFFICIALLY ENDORSED BY ALIFE.

In order to watch Pt.1 of this segment, you must either log in or sign-up to view the content. We’ve been working tirelessly to deliver this special
event and we have a lot more planned as well…

If you haven’t already joined Riottt, this is a special link just for you – REGISTER NOW

On July 22nd 2006, John Mayer and Just Blaze met at Alife Rivington Club’s private courtyard to perform a genre-spanning jam session for a
hand-picked, invite-only audience.

Prior to linking up on stage, the heavy-hitting musical mavens had never met or spoken. What transpired after Blaze dropped his first beat and
John strummed his first notes was nothing short of spectacular. Click the link below to obtain access to episode number one of an exclusive two-
part video series from The Alife Sessions: John Mayer and Just Blaze, presented by Alife and


Is it just me or is Creative Recreation on fire these days. Rumor is Cr8 is ranked number three best selling shoes at Nordstroms following Cole
Haan and Prada. It’s refreshing to see these guys deserve all the hard work they put into it. While I was working at Hudson Jeans the past year,
I struck a conversation with Robert and Rich about bringing together the world of premium denim and luxury leisure footwear. Naturally our talks
developed into creating a unique product. We chose the Fidel model because it was the perfect shoe to base off denim fabric. For this shoe we
utilized white patent in the front with premium leather, actual Hudson Jeans denim fabric used in reverse and regular, as well as creating a
unique insole design. I designed horizontal stripes because I was enjoying the resurgence of conservative patterns as of late ie polka-dots.
The bottom of shoe is bright neon yellow. Overall I’m very satisfied with the final product. Expect these to drop very soon at the EM CO-OP and
other fine retailers.